Thursday, October 16, 2003

My landscaper finally showed up. He was supposed to come last week but he really isn't all that reliable when it comes to telling time. He loses whole days and even weeks sometimes. Why in the world don't I fire this guy? Because he doesn't attack my trees like a Texas chainsaw murderer when they need trimming. One must take the good with the bad. Anyway, he's here today overseeding my lawn for the winter months so that my grass will look nice for any potential buyers this spring. And my trees remain trees and not little lollipop wanna be's.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

A bee uses 22 muscles to sting someone. The last reason my landscaper gave me for not coming to do my yard was that there were too many bees and there must be a hive in one of my bushes. I called my exterminator and was told that there were no hives in the area or in the bushes. The bees were just busy pollenating my sage bush. I wonder what excuse my landscaper will use next time. Both his grandmothers and his aunt have already died.

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