Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I have clean windows and a new computer built by my husband! I'm in ecstasy! Even though I have cable modem, my old hand-me-down computer ran at dial-up modem speed. Slower then average dial-up modem speed. It became painfully obvious that something wasn't quite right with my system when I commented that the speed of our laptop, using the dial-up modem while we were in Vegas, was a lot faster then my home computer. I mentioned this to my husband. He thought I was kidding. My poor old computer never, ever operated at cable modem speed. It's always moved slowly. I thought that was "just the way things were." My husband took a look at my computer and saw. I mean he really saw how slow my system wasn't working. It would freeze on a regular basis too. Is it any wonder that I'm in ecstasy right now? And I can see too...through my clean windows! Now if those stupid birds will just leave the windows alone I can finish the laundry, play my Pogo, and finish getting this house ready so we can put it up for sale.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The word "bug" started out as the Anglo-Saxon word "bugge" or "bough", meaning 'a terror, a devil, or a ghost.' Deerfly, mosquitoes, and no-see'em's must have played a major role when they aptly chose this word.

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