Friday, January 30, 2004

It's cold outside! OK. This shouldn't really surprise anyone since this is the winter. But it's really cold outside and this is Phoenix, Arizona I'm talking about. I just glanced at my indoor/outdoor thermometer and it reads 46°F. That's a bit chilly. Then I read my brother's blog and find that he's got me all beat there in Minnesota at -22°. However, the reason people visit Arizona in the winter is to get away from the cold so I guess I'll keep on complaining. And may I suggest to you Minnesotans, the time may have come for you all to reconsider your residency status because even though 46° may feel cold to me, it's a heck of a lot warmer then -22°...and I've got ducks swimming on my pond, not skating. But that ice castle thingie really looked cool...cold even.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Electricity was first introduced into homes in the 1880's, but every lamp or appliance had to be "hard-wired" into the wall by an electrician. We sure have come a long way. It should be interesting to see what comes next. Wireless?

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