Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I've been listening to a lot of AM radio during the night. My mother got me hooked on it. I especially like to listen to Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell or George Noory. It's amazing what you can learn when you tune in late at night to this radio program. I've never listened to so much paranoia spouted by so many conspiracy theorists. I'm not sure who said, "It's not really paranoia if there really is someone out to get you." but I'm beginning to believe it. I read the following in my favorite book, Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader, so it must be true!

The Illuminati is a group founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit priest, in Bavaria. HIs mission: to advance the 18th-century ideals of revolution, social reform, and rational thought (the name means "the Enlightened Ones" in Latin). Weishaupt and his cronies were fiercely opposed by the monarchs of Europe and by the Catholic Church, which is why they had to meet and communicate in secret. German author Johann Goethe was a member. In the United States, both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were accused of being members and denied it, but both wrote favorably about Weishaupt and his efforts.

The Illuminati has been associated with more conspiracy theories than any other. Considered the silent evil behind such paranoid bugaboos as One World Government and the New World Order, the Illuminati have been blamed for starting the French and the Russian revolutions, as well as both world wars, and almost every global conflict in between. They are said to use bribery, blackmail, and murder to infiltrate every level of power in society--business, banking, and government--to achieve their ultimate goal: world domination.

My brother should stop blaming George Bush for getting us into this Iraq conflict. It's the Illuminati. Of course, President Bush or someone in his cabinet may be members but I heard mention of the Skull & Bones Society. I'll go into that tomorrow. Right now I have to hurry and finish this so I can listen to The State of the Union Address.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Little Known Words

Hobberdehoy A youth entertaining manhood.

Faffle To stutter or mumble

Cornobbled Hit with a fish

Dasypygal Having hairy buttocks

Collieshangie A noisy or confused fight

Now let's see if you can use the above words in a sentence. I particularly love the following. My brother-in-law was cornobbled when my sister caught that last bluegill of the season. What kind of sentences can you think up?

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