Wednesday, January 21, 2004

My son, as a senior in high school, takes a government class. Apparently, the teacher gave the students in his class a test to determine where they each stood on a scale of far right conservative and far left liberal. My son was surprised to discover that he rated as a conservative. I would be interested to see this test.
Last night my son was playing on his computer when the State of the Union Address was about to be made on television. I asked him if he was supposed to watch it for his government class. Yup! He was. I told him that this was one thing that he should watch firsthand and not wait until the playback and the indepth commentary. I always find it rather humorous to see how many interpretations for the same bit of news I see from the various news stations...conservative vs. liberal. I pity those who missed the State of the Union Address and were expected to make any sense out of it from the playback. I suppose it's like reading the cribnotes for a novel and expect to understand a novel only with a political twist.

Yesterday I told you that I've become addicted to talk radio. Right now I'm listening to Hannity. Mr. Liberal. He's always interesting to listen to. But I promised to go into the late night Coast to Coast AM paranoia factor and the Skull and Bones Society. I read the following from my favorite reference book, Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader.

The Skull and Bones Society was founded at Yale University in 1833. Only 15 senior-year students are admitted annually; they meet twice a week in a grim, windowless building called the Tombs. Unlike most campus fraternities, Skull & Bones appears to focus on positioning its members for success after college. But no one knows for sure, because members are sworn to total secrecy for life. The names of past and current members include many of America's power elite: both George Bushes, William Howard Taft, as well as the descendants of such famous American families as the Pillsburys, Weyerhausers, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, and Whitneys.

What's wrong with a little good ol' boy club networking? Nothing, perhaps, but Skull & Bones members have also been accused of practicing satanic rites within the walls of the Tombs. Initiation reportedly requires pledges to lie down in coffins, confess sordid details of their sex lives, and endure painful torture so that he may "die to the world, to be born again into the Order." Like the Illuminati, the Order (as it's called by its members) supposedly works to create a world controlled and ruled by the elite--members of Skull & Bones.

MMMM. Interesting. Very interesting. Of course, according to the other night's show, we don't really have to worry about either of these organizations. China is going to take over the world and kill anyone who gets in their way.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

More Little Known Words to Add to your Vocabulary

Wem A stain, flaw or scar

Calcographer One who draw with chalk

Bodewash Cow dung

Twiddlepoop An effeminate-looking man

Liripoop A silly creature

The smell of the bodewash is often overwhelming here where I live, close to one of Arizona's dairies. I do not concider myself a liripoop just because I listen to talk radio. Now, you try to form your own sentences using these new words.

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