Saturday, January 10, 2004

I've always felt that the English language is a strange and difficult language. There are so many words that sound the same and yet have totally different meanings. To make things even more difficult, some words are spelled the same and still have different meanings. Right? No...turn left. That's right. I write the right way. Which witch is which? I don't know whether the weather will allow me to go out today. I read the red book. Of course that particular sentence could be in the present tense or the past tense and you'd never know unless you reasoned it out by reading the surrounding sentences. Pitted olives have no pits. Boned chicken has no bones. Shall we discuss the word "cleave"? Quite frankly, I'm happy I never had to learn English as a second language.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

"Any dictionary maker can put Webster's in the name, because book titles can't be copyrighted." says M. Hirsh Goldberg in The Book of Lies . To know if your Webster's is authentic, make sure it's published by Merriam-Webster, Inc.

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