Monday, January 12, 2004

It's a beautiful day today. It almost makes me regret that we're going to be selling this house. I must have had 60 beautiful white cranes soaring and gliding and perching by the pond, right outside my windows this morning. Widgeons and mallards were gliding on the still waters. So scenic. So serene. Of course with the birds comes the mess. I had 20 of those scenic big white birds white washing my roof yesterday morning. I didn't go out and count them this morning. I'm having the windows washed tomorrow morning. I hope that I can keep them clean and clear of white wash while this house is on the market. I may have told you in a past blog that the ducks like to harass our dogs. I saw them chasing a black cat the other day by the shore. I don't suppose it would have been so amusing if I was the owner of that poor black cat. Those ducks can be mean little buggers. But let's not tell the future buyers anything about this, shall we? Let them admire the serenity of the wildlife without any reality drawbacks to gum up the works.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head like a human.

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