Saturday, January 03, 2004

I'm making marmalade. No raspberries here in Arizona. At least none at this time of year and none that I know about outside of the grocery store. Domesticated raspberries are all well and good but there really isn't anything better then raspberry jam made with real wild raspberries. What I do have in abundance is tangelos from my tangelo tree in the backyard and lemons from my lemon tree. I made lemon bread for Christmas but that was before the New Year. We're back on our diet with a vengence. So I'm making sugarfree orange marmalade with tangelos and lemons. I know that technically it really isn't orange marmalade if there aren't any oranges in it but that's neither here nor there. I'm not going to go out and buy oranges when I have a perfectly good orange colored substitute. I'll think of something else to call it by the time I have it all in jars. Tangled Lemon Marmalade? Limontangelo Marmalade? It doesn't really matter as long as it tastes good and I won't know that until it's made and tasted. I'll let you know.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Ancient Greeks named amber from the word "electron" because rubbing amber gives off static electricity.

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