Friday, September 10, 2004

Do you ever crave chocolate? Are you a chocoholic? I know can definitely answer yes to both of those questions. I have a friend who told me that once she had a craving so bad that she actually picked out and ate all the chocolate chips from a chocolate chip cookie mix that she had stored in her pantry. If I had any chocolate chip cookie mix in my pantry right now I just might pick out and eat those chips today. I would kill for some deep dark chocolate right now. I prefer See's dark chocolate or Godiva would do. MMMM. Unfortunately, I don't have any of either in the house and I would have to drive to THE BIG CITY to get either...actually, I won't see and See's until I get back to Arizona. I don't use a mix when I make chocolate chip cookies so there is no hope of that in my pantry. Oh well...I settled for an old Hershey's chocolate bar left over from when we had company and #1 son made S'Mores. There was just one bar left. I ate it. I don't like milk chocolate much but it had to do. Milk chocolate is better then no chocolate. White chocolate isn't even chocolate so you won't find any of that ever in my house. There are chocolate chips in the pantry...I think...because #1 son told me not to touch his chocolate chips before he left for college. They may belong to #1 son but they are definitely in jeopardy right now. MMMMM....CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! Nothing gets in the way of a chocoholic and chocolate....except maybe a request from #1 son. The kid must be psychic or know his mother too well.

Murphyism of the Day

Chocolate cravings generally occur when there is little or no chocolate of value in the house.

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