Thursday, September 16, 2004

Only 37 Days Left Before We Leave For Arizona

The weather has improved but now I've got wasps buzzing all around my deck. I think the windy weather of yesterday must have disturbed a nest in one of the trees out in the woods. Either that or they're making hay while the sun shines. However, they appear truly upset and all their buzzing make me and the dogs upset. The dogs don't want to go out on the deck and neither do I. I went outside, armed with wasp spray, thinking that there might be nest building activities under the eaves on the deck. I couldn't find anything to spray....yet. Stupid wasps! I hate them.

HTP and I are driving into The Big City tomorrow to pick #1 son up for the weekend. #1 son wants to pick up some of his stuff, visit some thrift stores, and get a haircut. I need to buy some bottles for my vinegar. HTP failed in his hunt for them the other day. So much for delegation.

Murphyism of the Day

Rusk's Law of Delegation

Where an exaggerated emphasis is placed upon delegation, responsibility, like sediment, sinks to the bottom.

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