Tuesday, September 07, 2004

HTP finally got all the borders raked. Now we're all ready for fall...and then we have to do it all over again. I planted three perennial columbine in the border near the house. I hope they survive the winter. I know. It's not winter yet...or fall even. But it feels like it.

I cleaned #1 son's room and did the laundry. I still have to "clean" it and the bathroom downstairs but that can wait. #1 son called to tell us how his first day of classes went. I think he's going to have to tweek his schedule a bit but other then that (knock on wood) everything sounds like it's going just fine.

Murphyism of the Day

Law of Legislative Action

The length of time it takes a bill to pass through the legislature is in inverse proportion to the number of lobbying groups favoring it.

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