Sunday, September 12, 2004

I went out berry picking with the full knowledge that the berries are pretty much done for the year. I was right. I was able to get enough for dessert tonight...for that was worth the one mile hike up and down the driveway. As I walked I found and snacked on a few late raspberries but we'll be having blackberries and sugarfree pudding for dessert tonight. I may make a batch of jam next week from some of the berries that I froze but that'll be it for the jam making this summer too. I'll bring two quarts of blackberries back to Arizona with me to make wine over the winter. The remaining four quarts I'll leave here to make into wine in the spring. It should be interesting to see how the two batches vary but we won't discover that until 2006. Wait a minute....maybe I'll make blackberry vinegar from the frozen berries. I'll have to do some research but it sounds good to me. I love to experiment.

I haven't seen any goldfinch at the feeders for a few weeks now. Only the occasional chickadee. The hummingbirds are few and far between too. I won't be refilling the feeders again this year. I think it's best to encourage them to head for warmer climes. I saw geese flying south yesterday. The leaves on the trees are just starting to turn. I've been hearing the snapping sound as the acorns drop from the oak trees out in the woods. HTP and I will finally have the opportunity to stay here to enjoy fall. It would be nice to remain until after Thanksgiving but promises were made and must be honored.

Murphyism of the Day

The Watergate Principle

Government corruption is always reported in the past tense.

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