Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Only 39 Days Left Before We Leave For Arizona

I need bottles. I made another batch of blackberry vinegar and I haven't even got enough bottles for the first batch that I made. I'm also trying a blackberry schnapps recipe. HTP has gone out to see if he can find some bottles for me today. I delegated the hunt because today is laundry day. Besides, HTP has been going a bit stir crazy here at The Lake. He's running out of things to do. I, on the otherhand, have lots to do. Homemakers never retire. I may no longer have children to raise but I still have laundry to do, houses to clean, cooking to do, blogs to write, games to play, and afghans to crotched. Not only that but I have to start thinking about landscaping the backyard of our place in Arizona.

And in the news today....

I'm getting awfully tired of politics. Things are getting really really nasty. In my humble opinion, the mud-slinging has become almost humorous. The only problem is that none of the major issues that I'm concerned about are being discussed. Neither party wants to talk about securing our borders. Nobody seems to have a viable health care/insurance solution. Quite frankly I don't give a hoot if two members of the same sex want to get married. But I'm getting tired of the obnoxious habit I'm seeing from the Dems who arrogantly insult my intelligence. Unfortunately it comes down to who I can trust for the next four years. I don't trust John Kerry. Mr. Tell Them Whatever They Want To Hear And Whatever Will Get Me Elected. I suppose this leaves me with George Bush. This weird CBS, Dan Blather...oops, Dan Rather, scandal stinks of a nasty bit of crud that I thought we'd never see again after the Watergate scandal. When did Network News become Tabloid News?

Murphyism of the Day

Evan's Law

If you keep your head when everyone about you is losing his, then you just don't understand the problem.

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