Friday, September 03, 2004

What does an empty-nester do with her time? I got up as usual. Made coffee as usual. Took care of the dogs as usual. Made breakfast for two instead of for three. After breakfast, HTP and I drove over and picked up a couple of bushels of canning tomatoes from one of the local farmers. After that we went shopping for groceries since we were so close to the big city anyway. When we got back I made lunch after putting the groceries away. Then I donned my berry picking armor and went out berry picking. I worry about picking the beans tomorrow. HTP tells me that #1 son left his room in a bit of a mess downstairs. I'll worry about that next week when I do the laundry. Anyway, in answer to my initial question, I do pretty much the same stuff now that I did before I was an empty-nester. Tonight I'll work on the afghan the I'm making for #1 son while I watch TV with HTP. Oops. Maybe not. I have to clean the berries. Maybe just a couple of rows. But right now I have to go make supper. I'm making State Fair Corn Dogs because HTP loves them and we couldn't go to the Minnesota State Fair this year.

Murphyism of the Day

Hutchins' Law

You can't outtalk a man who knows what he's talking about.

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