Monday, November 14, 2005

Word of the Day

Ghnashtly - Something so ghastly and nasty, you find yourself gnashing your teeth!

I'm sure it will get easier. Exercise. I need exercise. So...I walked to the clubhouse, worked out on the machines and did two sets of situps using the exercise ball and then walked back home. It takes about 20 minutes to power-walk to the clubhouse. The power-walk back home took a bit longer but all told I was done by 8 AM. DD Daughter tells me that I should plan on an every other day workout so tomorrow I'll stay home and then try to talk myself into working out again on Wednesday.

I've already discussed the fantastic relationship I have with my sewing machine. The thing hates me. Oh well. I had to drag the nasty thing out of the closet today. Sometimes you have to do stuff that you don't like to do because there are no alternatives. For years I've looked for ready-made tablecloths that would fit my kitchen table. Apparently, my kitchen table is an odd size. 48"x48". They don't make ready-made tablecloths for tables that size. So...I decided to go look for fabric at a fabric store. Nothing doing. When I did find a bolt of cloth wide enough to be of use, the patterns were all wrong. And no telling what would happen once said fabric was washed. Knowing my luck, it would shrink up so much that all my efforts would be for naught. I really hate sewing. And then? Brainstorm. I decided to buy some ready-made tablecloths that measured 60"x 104". I decided that I'd cut off the excess and hem. I can hand sew anything but when you're talking about hemming four tablecloths, I decided that I'd have to use my sewing machine. Sigh. So, today was the day.

I dragged my sewing machine out of the closet. I keep the instructions with my machine because I always have to relearn how to do that bobbin thing and thread the machine. The instructions for my machine come in English/Spanish/French/ and some other languages. It's a huge book. The unfortunate thing is that it's never easy to figure out where the English instructions start and then continue. So a simple project becomes a major hassle. If I cared more, I'd force myself to rewrite the instructions for those things I need to know. I'm not into zig-zag or anything like that. If I feel the need to sew something, I either get out a needle and thread and do the thing by hand, or I force myself to use the machine. Straight stitches. Forward and reverse. Nothing else needed. So...I finally figured out the bobbin thing and then the got the thing threaded. Red thread first for two of the tablecloths. Green thread second for the other two tablecloths. And I broke a needle. Back to the instruction book. Thank goodness I have replacement needles. They come color-coded. Back to the instruction book. I needed a purple needle...size 16 but the lettering is impossible to read. I guess that's why they color-code them.

Anyway, I now have four new tablecloths. I suppose I could make some special holiday tablecloths but...maybe next year.

News from Camp Furball

Day Two

Todd continues to startle HTP and me with his attempts to show us his ability to open doors. He hasn't actually opened the door as yet but his doorknob rattling tends to startle us. OMG! What's that noise?!'s only Todd.

All three cats greeted me at the door of Camp Furball this morning. They tried their best to convince me that they were starving. Hah! I know better. Taye pushed Todd and MiMao out of the way so he'd get the first bites.

MiMao has decided that I'm not a threat. However, this afternoon, when I went in for a visit, there was a lump in the bed. MiMao has decided that she likes burrowing under the covers. I knew it was MiMao because MiMao was the only missing cat. None of the cats seemed disturbed by her behavior but I removed her from under the covers. Lectured her. And remade the bed. After getting everyone settled, I left. Later? The lump (MiMao) in the bed had returned. Sigh. This time I was a bit firmer in my lecture and I tucked in the sheets and bedspread...maybe that will work. MiMao decided to return to hiding under the bed. I'll check for MiMao lumps...later.

Murphyism of the Day

Cheop's Law

Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.

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