Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Word of the Day

Growcrastination - To put off gardening.

I'm learning that my every other morning exercise sessions are far more effective than my multiple cups of coffee each morning. At least...so far. Anyway, I'm trying to start a habit. Hopefully this will help me drop a few pounds.

I'm making beef jerky today. HTP is off to the LDS Family History Center again to do genealogy research again. This is the last day before The Holidays that the center is open until 9 PM. The thing you learn when you start researching family genealogy is that just when you get settled in and maybe find a tidbit of information on some almost unreadable bit of microfilm, someone is ready and eager to sweep you out. Closing time. Anyway, HTP hates the sound and smell that results from the production of beef jerky. So... Anyway, I've got my dehydrator set up outside and I'll have beef jerky before HTP returns home tonight. I love beef jerky but I refuse to pay store-bought prices for the stuff. Besides, I want to send some to Iraq for my Marine Mom's sons and daughters and GI Joe. Not to mention that #1 son loves the stuff too. Actually, I may have to make another batch.

Arizona daughter had a day off yesterday so I went out shopping with her. I'm starting to whittle away on my Christmas gift list. I still haven't a clue what to get for my parents or my in-laws. Worse? I haven't a clue what to get for HTP! HTP and #1 son are really hard to buy for. Actually, maybe it's a gender problem. I don't know what to get for either of my son-in-laws either. Sigh. At least my Arizona helped me with her husband but...I still have my doubts. DD hasn't been any help at all. Maybe I can pick her brain a bit more when she comes for Thanksgiving. As for my folk? As for my in-laws?

You may have noticed that I failed to blog yesterday. Mall shopping tends to suck all the available energy out of my body. I returned home yesterday at around 8:30 PM. I went to bed. I never even thought about blogging as I dragged my poor aged body to bed.

Camp Furball - Day Ten

Has it really been ten days? Despite MiMao's tendency to disappear under the bed in Camp Furball, she more often than naught, makes a mere half-hearted disappearing act of late. She's really a pretty little cat. I've noted that poor Todd (GI Joe's little man) tends to take a back seat when it comes to the food dish. Poor baby. I'd actually feel rather sorry for him but he still leaves Taye to take the blame when it comes to the escape attempts.

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

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