Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Word of the Day

Gifthusiasm - Pretending to like a dumb gift someone you love gives you.

I admit it. I haven't done much today. Laundry...of course. But aside from that, not too much. I did dig out three hummingbird feeders and was able to hang two of them up . The other one crumbled in my hands. Plastic and Arizona's sun don't mix too well. No hummingbird sightings as yet.

Camp Furball - Day Three

Taye managed to trap himself in the TV armoire. Sigh. After hearing a lot of crashing about, I ran to check on the situation. He's fine. The TV is fine. Everything is fine. I think I may have to tie the doors of the armoire shut but aside from that and an attitude of "What?! I meant to do that. I don't know why you felt that you had to rescue me?" all is well. I have my suspicions that Todd may have had something to do with the entrapment. He just looked so innocent. UMMMM. Anyway, all three cats are doing well. MiMao has forgiven me for my lecture of yesterday and there have been no more MiMao lumps in the guest bed since I remade the bed and made sure everything was tucked in and secure.

Murphyism of the Day *

Human Imponderable of the Day

Why do people press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?

*I have a new Murphyism resource book on order. In the meantime, please enjoy my temporary Human Imponderable of the Day offering

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