Thursday, August 10, 2006

Word of the Day

Salamlette - An omelet containing salami with an optional cheese.

So there I was, trying to sleep, trying to stay asleep when the power went out again last night. HTP, who had been watching TV in the other room, came in to wake me up so I'd know that the power had gone out. I knew. The fan shut off, the radio shut off, and it was humid and sticky. We hadn't been running the air-conditioner because it really wasn't all that hot outside. The ceiling fan was doing fine keeping things cool. I noted that the bedroom was even darker than normal. No storms. No power in our bedroom but I could hear the backup generator humming. The backup generator doesn't keep the whole house running. It just keeps vital functions running. Like the water, the fridge, the computers, the TV and a couple of lights.

So HTP calls the power company to let them know that we didn't have power. They knew. Apparently, this time it was a planned outage. They told HTP that everyone had been notified. Excuse me? No-one told us that anything was planned. Come guys, we've gone over this stuff before. You can't just cut off our power on purpose like that and not notify us. Ok...they can but I wish they wouldn't. It's not like this hasn't happened to us before. We're permanent residents but since we don't live here 24/7 every single day year in and year out, the power company assumes that it's not all that important to notify us of stuff like this. Nevermind that my alarm system goes batty everytime the power goes out and assumes that a burglar has cut my lines and is in the process of breaking and entering. Yes, my alarm system started doing its thing and I had to race to deactivate it before an audible alarm would be sent out across the wilderness waking up EVERYONE and EVERY CREATURE! Not to mention that the sheriff would have shown up on our doorstep with gun drawn and the alarm company monitors would have called everyone on my notification list. This power outage stuff can become really messy. It sure would have been nice if they'd notified us that they'd planned it this time.

The power came back on again within a couple of hours. We survived. I still have to reset a couple more clocks. (Darn it! I hate resetting the answering machine clock.) I talked to my folks this morning. They have a place across the lake. Apparently, the power company didn't think it was important to let them know that there was going to be an outage either. My sister was ignored as well. I wonder who the power company thought was important enough to send these notices to? I wonder if I'll get my notice in today's mail?

Murphyism of the Day

Warren's Rule

To spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most.

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