Friday, August 11, 2006

Word of the Day

Sandvalanche - When sand tumbles down a large hill creating an avalanche-type experience.

It's been really quiet here today. Mostly we've been watching the news. Another terrorist plot has been foiled. I hope. Only, now it seems that no liquids can be carried onto a plane anymore because they might be explosives? And, one step beyond that, some countries are making it a policy that you can't carry ANYTHING onto a plane anymore. Not even a purse. Needless to say, #1 son isn't too happy about these developments. His trip to Taiwan is going to be a total nightmare if they won't let him bring his laptop with him on board for his 18 hour flight...or his cellphone...or his camera. On top of all this, it looks like things aren't going well on the diplomatic front between Israel and Lebanon/Hezbollah and it's rumored that Syria is prepping to join in the fight.

Our painters have returned and are busily painting the railings and planters on my deck. I hope the wasps aren't bothering them too much. They certainly bother me. The hummingbirds don't seem to mind too much. They're busily slurping down sugar water from the hummingbird feeders.

HTP and I are going to go over to see his sister's newly renovated place tonight. I'm going to bring her a bottle of my strawberry liqueur. My last bottle. At least, the last of what I made this year. I still have some leftover from last year. It's in Arizona. Don't feel too sorry for me...I still have plenty of liqueur to enjoy, plus, I'm making more. It won't be too long and I'll be bottling Limoncello.

Murphyism of the Day

Winger's Rule

If it sits on your desk for fifteen minutes, you've just become the expert.

1 comment:

Mink said...

I think as an Air-winger, Winger's Rule applies to my job quite nicely.