Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Word of the Day

Shakespurious - Supposed Shakespeare scholarship that has nothing to do with Shakespeare or scholarship.

I find myself with very little to write about today. My deck is back to normal...well...almost. Plus, there's a bunch of stuff that they still need to take care of that they forgot. However, at least my furniture which was painted yesterday was moved back into place this morning. I did have to make 2 1/2 quarts of hummingbird nectar for the feeders. I'm always in awe at how much those tiny little birds can suck down while they're battling the forces of evil. Wasps and any rival bird that may threaten their territorial rights. I had to refill on of the seed-feeders too. I saw a woodpecker doing its best to munch on the seeds this morning. Woodpeckers are weird. There's another type of woodpecker that likes to feed on Oriole nectar. He ignores the Orioles' protests and the dive-bombing hummingbirds.

I'm supposed to be doing the laundry. Oops. I'd better go down and check on it. I have absolutely no excuse other than pure and simple laziness. My knee is feeling fine. #1 son and his friend just left to go get a couple of pizza's for supper so I don't even have to make supper tonight. Nope. I'm just having a lazy day today.

My vitamin supplements finally got here. In no time at all I'll be back hiking on the logging road. The FedEx guy came first with something for #1 son. Then the guy who mows the lawn came. And then, the UPS guy came to bring me my vitamins. With the amount of traffic I had on our driveway today, we'll have to put up speed limit signs.

Murphyism of the Day

Munder's Corollary to Howe's Law

Everyone who does not work has a scheme that does.

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