Saturday, November 25, 2006

Word of the Day

Walmartian - Describes a person who spends more than 75% of their waking time in any area Walmart store!

Left-overs. The challenge is to use up all the Thanksgiving left-overs before they go bad without over-doing the calorie intake or causing the eaters to rebel. What?! Turkey again?! A cook's lot in life is never an easy one. The thing to remember is that any casserole recipe that calls for canned tuna works just as well if you substitute turkey. And...I have a freezer. It's not that HTP and I don't like turkey. There is, however, a limit to any good thing.

HTP and I are in charge of using all the left-overs on our own now. DD Daughter and GI Joe left right after breakfast on their way back to California. They promised that they'll return for Christmas. They couldn't tell me exactly what day they'll be here. For the immediate future DD Daughter's time belongs to the military. The military determines when or even if she can take time off.

I got to drive the new car today for the first time since we got it. It didn't give me a moment of trouble....not that I was expecting any problems. Although the window sticker claimed that the gas mileage on this critter should be better than our SUV, I'm not seeing it. I'd say that the SUV may even get better gas mileage than our new car. Of course, the situation may improve after we've shaken the newness out of it.

Murphyism of the Day

The Salary Axiom

The pay raise is just large enough to increase your taxes and just small enough to have no effect on your take-home pay.


Noteworthy Quote of the Day

"There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure." -- Jack E. Leonard

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