Monday, December 08, 2003

If you have an Advent Calendar, today is the day that you should open up that eighth little door. You've got 17 more little doors to open. No cheating! You can only open door number 8. For all the rest of you, you've got 17 more days before Christmas.

Today was completely shot. A dentist appointment. Oh well. All done for another year. I hope. My dentist is a very nice man and does a great job but I'd just a soon not spend too much time with him.

I have most of my out-of-town presents bought and sent. Gotta love the internet. I have to wait until my husband gets his computer back up and running before I can do the Christmas letters. Poor man bought a new mother board and he's been struggling with it for over a week now. He just fried the power supply and went out to get a new one.

I'm all excited because my parents are coming to visit for Christmas. Good thing I didn't send their gifts out to them yet. I can't wait to take them out to see the new house. Actually there isn't too much to see yet but I can at least show them the lot and the footprint.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

I've been listening to talk radio a lot, especially at night. Coast to Coast AM is one of my favorites. That show is really "interesting". Anyway, in honor of that show, UFO expert J. Allen Hynek (1910-1986) developed the following scale to describe encounters with extraterrestrial beings or vessels:

Close Encounter of the First Kind-sighting of a UFO at close range with no other physical evidence.

Close Encounter of the Second Kind-sighting of a UFO at close range , but with some kind of proof, such as a photograph, or an artifact from the UFO.

Close Encounter of the Third Kind-sighting of an actual extraterrestrial being.

Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind-abduction by and extraterrestrial spacecraft.

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