Tuesday, December 09, 2003

If you have an Advent Calendar, today is the day that you should open up that ninth little door. You've got 16 more little doors to open. No cheating! You can only open door number 9. For all the rest of you, you've got 16 more days before Christmas.

I collect snowglobes. My sister-in-law sent me the following SNOWGLOBE in an email. Enjoy!

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Snow is not frozen rain. Snow forms by sublimation of water vapor--the turning of water vapor directly into ice when its temperature reaches the dew point. The result of this sublimation is a crystal of ice, usually hexagonal. Snow begins in the form of these tiny hexagonal ice crystals in the high clouds; the young crystals are the seeds from which snowflakes will grow. As water vapor is pumped up into the air by updrafts, more water is deposited on the ice crystals, causing them to grow. Soon some of the larger crystals fall to the ground as snowflakes.

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