Saturday, December 27, 2003

We've only got 4 more days in 2003. That may either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your outlook. I prefer to look at it as a good thing.

The house is so quiet. My company has left. My husband went to do more genealogy research. And my son went to his music lessons. Oops. The dogs are barking. And the clean dishes need to be put away. I suppose I could put away the Christmas decorations but...I think I'll just sit here a while longer and enjoy the quiet. Oops. There's the phone.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Johnny Depp based his character, Captain Jack Sparrow, in the Pirates of the Carribean on a mix of Rolling Stone quitarist Keith Richards and the amorous cartoon skunk, Pepe LePew. I just watched the movie yesterday. My mother and father, who watched the movie with us, said that our son-in-law reminds them of the character Captain Jack Sparrow.

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