Monday, December 22, 2003

If you have an Advent Calendar, today is the day that you should open up that twenty-second little door. You've only got 3 more little doors to open. By now, you will have either cheated and opened all the doors or you've got greater control then I. can only open door number 22. For all the rest of you, you've only got 3 more days before Christmas. Try to be nice to someone today while you're out racing around. Signal your turns and lane changes. Don't talk on your cell phone while you're driving. But if you'd prefer my daughter's advice, when walking back to your car, if you notice other shoppers walking past your car to get to theirs, press the buttons on your key chain remote so that your car's alarm makes a sudden loud "BLOOP BLEEP" that scares the crap out of them. Pressing the Panic button on your remote to set off the car alarm just as someone walks by can net an even more satisfying result.

So what plans do you all have for today? I'm going to dust...again. Vacuum...again. This house amazes me in its ability to gather all the dust from the surrounding environs of our community. It truly illustrates the statement, "I cleaned my house yesterday...You should have seen it."

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

One 35 to 40 foot tree produces a stack of newspapers four feet thick; this much newspaper must be recycled to save one tree. Please note that I've been saving trees every year since I bought an artificial tree for my Christmas celebrations. I do hope this makes up for the cord of wood stacked up in my Wisconsin garage, awaiting fireplace use in the spring.

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