Sunday, December 14, 2003

If you have an Advent Calendar, today is the day that you should open up that fourteenth little door. You've only got 11 more little doors to open. No cheating! You can only open door number 14. For all the rest of you, you've only got 11 more days before Christmas. Time is now speeding by at twice its normal speed, though I'm sure everything will be just fine.

I finished the peanut brittle last night. Four batches. And I bought the nuts for the fudge and the lemon bread after church today. My son and I had a short practice too. Added to the calendar is a LAN party to be held at MY house on the 19th with 20 systems. What? Where? Where is everyone going to park? Where are they planning on plugging these systems in? So my house is going to become a huge computer lab on the 19th. OK. I hope the neighbors don't complain about all those cars parked outside. Then on the 20th, I've been told that we're going to have a concert out in our backyard? What? Isn't it going to be a bit cold? Hot chocolate? Cookies? I hope the neighbors don't complain. But it's going to be Christmas music. I know I have one neighbor who will complain, regardless. I'm making my son go out and warn everyone so we can avoid adding the police to the invitation list. Oh, and don't forget about the brass practice at 9 AM on the 20th because I was just told today that my son is going to be playing at church on Christmas Eve at the 6 PM service. I wonder if I can talk my husband into letting us eat out that night. I have to play for the 4 PM service. Apparently we'll be partaking of a fashionably late supper that night. After church. I think eating out that night might be a good idea. One of the best I've ever had. I only have to make the pizzelle, the spritz, and the fudge. And wrap the presents. My husband is going to help me wrap the presents. MY HUSBAND WILL HELP ME WRAP THE PRESENTS!!!!! Hah! But I did get all the presents bought.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Myrrh comes from a tree of the genus Commiphora, a native of Arabia and Northeast Africa. It is a resin obtained from the tree trunk.

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