Tuesday, June 01, 2004

10 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

Today is a shopping/hunting day. #1 son told me that he needs a new watch because his old one no longer functions. Watches are a rather personal item, kind of like cellphones and cellphone plans, and kind of like laptops. One needs to pick out a watch or cellphone or a laptop that will "fit" you and your needs and tastes. I don't dare go out on my own to pick out a watch for #1 son or anyone else for that matter. I wouldn't want anyone to go out and pick one for me either. So, today I'll be taking #1 son out to hunt for a new watch. A watch that will "fit". It'll be part of his graduation present. Of course, it has to fit into our budget too.

Murphyism of the Day

Wolter's Law

If you have the time, you won't have the money.
If you have the money, you won't have the time.

First Law of Money Dynamics

A surprise monetary windfall will be accompanied by an unexpected expense of the same amount.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

The USDA patented an inexpensive device (the sting-o-meter) for beekeepers so they can tell whether they're dealing with gentle European honeybees or the dangerouse "Africanized" kind (they look virtually the same). This simple black plastic container is swung in front of the hive. An electronic sensor inside counts how many "hits" are made by attacking bees over 10 seconds. Too many hits? Run.

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