Thursday, June 03, 2004

8 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

WE'RE DOOMED!!!! Only kidding. It's just that my husband, HTP, told me yesterday that he really doesn't feel as prepared as he usually does for our annual trip east. AHHHH!!!!! If HE doesn't feel prepared when he is never prepared but exudes confidence that he IS prepared, we're doomed. Panic will set in tomorrow. Tomorrow I will roll into battle to get us ready. HTP had better get a move on too. I refuse to bear the burden alone.

#1 son graduates today. The ceremony is being held tonight. Indoors at an indoor arena at ASU. Thank goodness for that. It's already 100°F outside this morning. I remember sitting outside on bleachers watching graduation ceremonies here in Arizona. It's hot here. Thank goodness someone finally realized that fact and moved the ceremonies to a more favorable venue. The temperature by 5:30 PM will be 110°F. Even when the sun goes down and the ceremony begins at 7:30 PM, the temperature won't be pleasant. I'll be glad of the indoor AC comfort of the arena tonight. HTP has the digital video cam all charged up. I'll bring the regular digital camera for stills. We're going to have to take pictures for those who can't make it to see the actual event.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Law

If anything can go wrong, it will.

Schnatterly's Summing Up of The Corollaries

If anything, can't go wrong, it will.

Silverman's Paradox

If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

During the Middle Ages, it was common for European royalty to have kennels for their hounds. Kennel cooks would make huge stews, mostly grains and vegetables with some meat or meat by-products--the hearts, livers, and lungs of various livestock.

I remember when growing up that my mother would cook up a batch of "dog food" for our dogs to use up various buggy pastas and freezer burnt meats etc. Waste not, want not. She'd keep it in a large pot in the refrigerator. The dogs loved it. What a treat! Unfortunately, my grandmother didn't know that the pot in the fridge was "dog food". My grandparents came to stay with us kids while my parents went to New York on a business trip. Apparently, my grandmother scolded my mother when she talked to her daughter on the phone from New York about that awful casserole in the fridge. "What have you been feeding your kids?!" She had tasted it and didn't think it was too tasty. She just couldn't bring herself to feed that slop to her grandchildren. ( I am grateful for her reticence to this day because if my grandmother had insisted that we eat the "dog food", we probably would have. One doesn't argue with their elders...that's how I was raised.) I wish I could have seen the look on my mother's face at that point. It must have been priceless. "Ummm...Mom? That's the dog food..." I don't recall the look that was on my grandmother's face (it was a long time ago afterall) but I'm sure it was choice...she had eaten "dog food" made from buggy elbow macaroni, meat scraps and vegetable trimmings...there might even have been a can of real store bought dog food in that mess. I don't remember that my grandparents ever came to look after us kids after that. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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