Sunday, June 27, 2004

I'll admit it. I was too tired yesterday to blog. I ran out of time before we had to drive to "The Big City" to pick up #1 son's friend at the airport. By the way, walkie talkies do not function too well at the airport. It's a good thing we had cell phones. All went smoothly. #1 son's friend was collected along with his baggage at the baggage claim area. HTP drove around the airport a few times because you can't park by the curb and then picked us all up curbside when we called him on the cell. Worked great! Thank you, AT&T, Alltel, and Verizon. Your joint efforts on our behalf are appreciated.

We arrived at The Mall of America at around 3 PM and arranged to all meet at Tucci Benucch (an Italian restaurant there at the Mall)at 8 PM. #1 son and his friend went one way, I went another. HTP decided that he'd rather not be Malled so I was on my own. (Insert evil laugh here). Actually, I was good. I didn't buy much at all. Really! I did go see a movie after walking around all three of the Mall sale floors. I don't know how many miles I put in but by the time I reached the Mall's fourth floor (movie theatre floor), I felt like I'd worn all the cartilage away from my hips, knees and ankles and my arches felt like they were collapsing. I can't say much about the movie. Never say anything at all if you can't say anything good. Around the World in 80 Days. Go rent or buy the old one on DVD. That's all I'll say. After the movie, I re-walked two of the Mall sale's floors, bought a night-shirt (Instant Human...Just Add Coffee), and met the gang at Tucci's. Everyone got there before me. I think we need to find another restaurant. Crying babies and the food wasn't as good as I remembered it.

The drive back to Wisconsin was what it was. We're back!

Murphyism of the Day

Imbesi's Law of the Conservation of Filth

In order for something to become clean, something else must become dirty.

Freeman's Extension

But you can get everything dirty without getting anything clean.

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