Friday, June 25, 2004

HTP's family is doing just fine. We had supper with them last night in "The Big City". The food was very good. Unfortunately, I discovered this morning that I forgot my little photo album at the restaurant last night. Fortunately, after a call, we found out that the album is safe and the restaurant...and we will be able to pick it up tomorrow when we return to "The Big City" to pick up #1 son's friend at the airport.

Thankfully, I have parents who live just across the lake from us here at "The Lake". Yesterday, my Dad came over to walk my dogs. He also was able to bring in a UPS order that was sitting on our front step. I ordered some sugarless products for cooking and as things tend to occur, the order came at just the moment that we were not here to receive it. I think I'll use that as the Murphyism of the Day segment today.

It has been really cool here at "The Lake". I was afraid that my poor plants would get bitten by frost last night. I ran out this morning to check on them and was relieved to see that they were just fine. I don't think I'll see any beans sprouting any time too soon. I'm not complaining. I like the cool weather. I'm sure the hot and humid weather will soon arrive. At least the mosquitoes haven't been too bad...yet. And weeding is a lot more pleasant when the weather is cool versus when weather is hot and humid with deerfly buzzing around your head.

Murphyism of the Day

Delivery services usually try to wait until you are not home before they attempt to deliver packages.

If packages are left on your doorstep because you are not home, it will rain.

There is a direct relationship between the probability of rain and the susceptibility to rain of the product in a package left on your doorstep. Value of the package's contents figures into this equation.

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