Saturday, June 19, 2004

Mary Mary Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow

OK. My name isn't Mary but I finished planting my container gardens this morning. I planted the marigolds that HTP's uncle sent us after removing weeds and leaves from the areas where I wanted to plant them. #1 son helped me remove the black plastic from my raised bed gardens. I've never seen so many swarming ants in my life. Except in Arizona. I don't think I'll cover the beds with black plastic again this fall. At least these ants didn't get around to biting us. I put out poison for the ants and #1 son sprayed the swarms. I'll have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to dig those gardens and plant. One day, more or less, shouldn't make much difference at this point. So my gardens are growing just fine as far as I could do. The weeds are doing fine too...unfortunately. I'll get to those too. I figure by the end of October, I'll have them under control...and then I'll have to leave for Arizona. Maybe if I get here soon enough in the spring next year they won't have as much of a chance to be fruitful and multiply.

Murphyism of the Day

Langsam's Laws

1. Everything depends.
2. Nothing is always.
3. Everything is sometimes.

Hellrung's Law

If you wait, it will go away.

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