Thursday, November 09, 2006

Word of the Day

Upscalator - The escalators that take you upward.

I'm taking a break from cleaning pomegranates. My fingers are all pruney and I still have six more pomegranates that need cleaning. Which means for those who aren't in the know, I'm carefully separating the seeds from the membrane because the membrane isn't at all tasty and tends to make wine and juice very bitter. Pomegranate fruit is really seedy... even more than blackberries when it comes to the size of the seed. On the otherhand, the seeds aren't all that much bigger. Fiber. A good source of fiber.

Anyway, I now have pomegranate juice liberally splattered on the front of my formally white shirt. When am I ever going to learn that I shouldn't try to wear white when I'm tackling anything that has to do with berries? The shirt isn't irretrievable. I've done this enough that I know how to get berry stains out of clothes.

I'm cleaning up the last of my pomegranate crop so I can start another batch of pomegranate wine. I've decided that I really don't need any more liqueurs right now having made so many different kinds of liqueur over the summer. I'm altering the pomegranate wine recipe somewhat. It'll be at least a year from now before I know which of the recipes end up tasting the best. The batch I made with regular raisins or the batch I'm making with white raisins. a year I'll know which recipe to use for the 2007 vintage of pomegranate wine. Like wine made from grapes, I imagine each year will have a somewhat different bouquet. This year's crop of pomegranates seem to be providing a much paler "seed" than last year's crop.

Last year I only thought that I might want to make wine. My main concern right now is finding a source for bottles. I guess I'll have to start drinking more wine. Waste not, want not. My Mom, if she's reading this, is shaking her head over the possibility that her daughter is becoming an alcoholic. Not to worry Mom. Drinking copious amounts of alcohol isn't my thing. I get sick. And sick is just no fun at all. Anyway, I don't have to actually do a final bottling of my Arizona wines until I get back to The Lake. I've got a while to "collect" my bottles from the wine that I drink and any the bottles I can acquire from my neighbor.

Murphyism of the Day

The Peter Principle

In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.


1. In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out his duties.

2. Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence.


Noteworthy Quote of the Day

His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork." -- Mae West


Mink said...

Formally white shirt or formerly white shirt? You should know not to dress up in formal attire while working in the kitchen!

Old Grey Frog said... least I spelled it right. FYI, my formerly white shirt is white again. Berry stains come right out if you pour boiling water over them.