Monday, December 20, 2004

6 Days Until Christmas

I started making schnapps this summer and today will be spent filtering and bottling. I've decided that the wild raspberry schnapps tastes the best. HTP tells me that he'll make me up some labels.

I've started clearing out the guest room. I'm going to hang two of my Dad's pictures in my bedroom and the third picture in the guest room. I'm going to have to take some pictures of the pictures to show my Dad. Dad doesn't really understand how beautiful his artwork looks. I suppose artist never are satisfied with their own work. I'm glad Dad gifted me with his work. Artwork like this shouldn't remain hidden in a closet.

I still haven't wrapped any presents. After talking to some of the other women at the church I don't feel too bad. One of my friends told me that her grandson touched her tree and said, "Broken? Tree broken?" Although her husband had put up their tree, she hadn't had a chance to hang any lights or put up any ornaments as yet. Of course, she has a viable excuse. She been going to school and is in the midst of finals. #1 son has the first of his finals today too.

Murphyism of the Day

Hunt's Law

Every great idea has a disadvantage equal to or exceeding the greatness of the idea.

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