Saturday, December 18, 2004

8 Days Until Christmas

I've done all the baking I plan to do but that may change. I still have wrapping to do and I need to clear out our spare room so #1 son has someplace to sleep. I'll worry about that another day. He won't need it until the 22nd. Wait a minute. (Grey Frog does the math in her head. Still doing the math. Give me a minute. It takes me forever to do the math just to figure out how old I am.) #1 son is coming home in 5 days!? And that includes today as one of those days?! I guess I'd better get busy cleaning out that room today. I need to wash my hair too because we're going to the neighbors' house for a party tonight. And then I want to bring them a plate of cookies too.

Murphyism of the Day

Storry's Principle of Criminal Indictment

The degree of guilt is directly proportional to the intensity of denial.

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