Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I made coffee, I fed and watered the dogs, I sorted the laundry and started a load, I made breakfast, I patiently waited as HTP dissected my old spritz makers that don't work anymore, I made spritz...using my newer, smaller, spritz maker that still works...somewhat. I hate making spritz. Bah humbug! Oh well...maybe I should have put some Christmas music on to lighten the mood. I folded laundry, I put more laundry in, I answered my emails, I am now blogging and I have to fold and do more laundry. I wanted to make more sugarless brownies and some fruitcake bars but that'll have to wait. I've run out of pans. I still haven't made the peanut brittle or the fudge so I suppose that's next.

I dreamt last night that I (in the form of my oldest daughter) was at boot camp. I've never been to boot camp but apparently I have a fairly active imagination when it comes to this. My oldest daughter will be attending boot camp after the first of the year. Argh! I hope her experience is better then my dream experience.

Murphyism of the Day

Gray's Law of Programming

"N+1" trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as "n" tasks.

Logg's Rebuttal to Gray's Law

"N+1" trivial tasks take twice as long as "n" trivial tasks.

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