Sunday, October 09, 2005

Word of the Day

Applelanche - A pile of apples tumbling to the floor.

It's been a long day. My Caeser Salad was a hit. My spinach dip was a hit. Tom's brother made lasagna...from scratch. Tom's sister brought an apple crisp. It was like a Sunday dinner at the Soprano's except there were no mob bosses or made men, and we didn't drink wine.

#1 son hitched a ride back to his dorm from his cousin. They both go to the same college. HTP and I walked the dogs and then hit the road back to The Lake.

Tomorrow and everyday next week will be really busy. I packed up my canned goods. Packing continues tomorrow. I'm going to make some strawberry schnapps too or at least get it started.

I'm going to skip the Murphyism of the Day today. Instead I'm heading off to bed and one of my favorite radio shows. Matt Drudge

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