Monday, October 10, 2005

Word of the Day

Caterpallor - The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.

I'm ahead of the curve when it comes to packing. At least I hope that's the case. I think I've got most of the stuff that I don't need until I get back to Arizona packed into boxes and taped shut and I've even made headway on packing the bag that I'll be needing for our nights on the road. Anything that I've forgotten, I'm sure to remember before we leave on Saturday. HTP always thinks I'm a bit nuts when it comes to packing. He never can understand why I let packing drive me so crazy and why I feel I have to start packing things weeks in advance. Hah! Fooled him this time. I only started packing 6 days in advance this time. Is that an improvement or am I slowing down in my old age? Probably the later but regardless, with my list, I should get everything packed before Friday. I decided to do laundry on Thursday so I can talk HTP into loading up the car on Friday night. No excuses about waiting for that final load of laundry to come out of the dryer.

I still have to do something with the plants and the bird-feeders. I can't take care of the hummingbird feeders until the wasps go to bed in the evening. Gotta avoid those nasty yellow jackets. They deliver a mean sting...repeatedly. I may see about tackling that project tonight. Yuck! Somehow wasps got inside the hummingbird feeders and drowned. Serves them right but what about me? I have to clean up the mess they left behind. Oh's on my To Do List. All I have to do is DO it and then I can mark it off the list...until next year.

Murphyism of the Day

Jones' Law

The man who can smile when things are going wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on.

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