Saturday, October 22, 2005

Word of the Day

Fleeway - Route taken by an escaping criminal.

We're home in Arizona! My eyes popped open this morning at 5 AM. Jet-lag. No jets involved but I'm definitely having problems with the time-zone issues. This is going to take a little work. Oh well...I got up and made coffee.

My yard! I didn't have much time last night to give my yard and landscaping more than a glance. From that one glance I could see that there's a bit of work to be done. The plants in my backyard didn't get the memo about this being a desert. They've grown. LOTS! Good grief! Where is my lopping shears?! My little pruning shears is totally inadequate for this job. I couldn't help myself. I started on one bush and I could finally see it's inner tree when I finished. One down...a bunch more to go. Actually, I just had to prune that one because it was trying to overtake my fountain. And if I want to actually fill the fountain and enjoy it this winter, the tree that wanted to become a bush had to have an attitude adjustment. I'm eager to get my fountain filled and running again. But first...I have to get some sort of screening to cover the goldfish cave. I still have to prune the palm trees but the rest of the plants can wait until spring. If we get cold temperatures like last winter, they'll survive better if I leave them alone. But come the spring....

Weeds? Yes, I have a few of those too. I'll chase them down with some Round-up. But first I have to shovel the desert dust off the patio and my lawn furniture and my grill. HTP thinks that I can just tackle this problem with a broom. Silly man. Not without a face mask. Where is my shop-vac? Oh...and I think that we've got a few black widow nests too. I hope that nothing worse has decided to move while we were away. I really don't want to think about killer bees.

The problem with having two homes is that no-one can find anything. HTP was looking for something last night and I was amazed that I actually could find it for him. But...I can't find my lopping shears! It takes a couple of weeks to figure out where everything was stored. Patience. Rome wasn't built in a day and I'm not going to get things unpacked and cleaned up here in just one day either.

I've got pomegranate! I'm not sure if they're ripe or not but they're on the tree. They haven't split so I guess that means that they aren't too ripe. I'm going to leave them alone for right now. My Mom gave me a couple of bags of the pomegranate from her tree. Her tree is bigger than mine and it looks like she's going to be shucking out the fruit for some time to come. I'm going to have to do some research and figure out if there is an easier way to tackle that fruit. There has to be an easier way! I also see that I have at least a couple of grapefruit and some tangelos too. I didn't see any lemons or limes. I guess I'll have to buy those.

Ah's still early and you can see that I've got a huge list of things that I want to take care of NOW! but I'll have to be patient. It'll get done. Eventually.

Murphyism of the Day

First Law of Debate

Never argue with a fool--people might not know the difference.

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