Friday, October 07, 2005

Word of the Day

Arachnoleptic fit - The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

I bottled my blackberry wine. It's cloudy. I'm hoping that it'll clear up....eventually...maybe by Christmas? Anyway, the labels that HTP made for me look great! If the wine turns to vinegar, I'll have lots of blackberry vinegar but I guess that's OK too.

My next project was making pickled fish out of the frozen filets that I had in the freezer. I like pickled fish and I won't be able to transport frozen fish back to Arizona but pickled fish will make the trip just long as I keep the cooler filled with ice. This I can do. I have just enough time to fit this project into the schedule before we have to hit the road.

My youngest daughter called last night. She and her husband are all moved and settled into their new apartment. They had to buy a cell phone because it's going to take two weeks for the phone people to get around to hooking up a landline for them. least they have a phone number where they can be reached, cell phone though it may be. Unfortunately, this means no computer until the landline is hooked up. Now that would drive me nuts.

HTP has gone off to pick #1 son up from college. This is his last weekend here at The Lake this year. After Sunday, HTP and I won't have a chance to see #1 son until Christmas. We'll all be driving to The Big City on Sunday to see HTP's relatives and help celebrate HTP's Mother's birthday. Gasp! I forgot to sing her Happy Birthday in my blog. Her birthday was on October 5th. Oh well...she doesn't read my blog anyway so I guess she'll never know. Shhhh! Don't tell.

Murphyism of the Day

H. L. Mencken's Law

Those who can, do.

Those who cannot, teach.

Martin's Extension

Those who cannot teach, administrate.

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