Saturday, October 01, 2005

Word of the Day

Inoculatte - To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

We managed to pull the boat. Not bad for a bunch of novices. It's sitting outside on the driveway right now because HTP has to take it in to have it winterized and he wants to drain out the gas in the tank. #1 son got his feet wet but I think we know how to do it so no-one gets wet next year.

After we finished getting the boat in we made our first attempt at pulling the dock. We're going to have to try again because it isn't in far enough. Oh, my aching back! Right now we're trying to figure out how to tackle our second attempt at this while #1 son is still home to help.

We're being invaded today. Ladybugs everywhere. OK. I know that they're really not ladybugs. They're some sort of Asian beetle that people imported to take care of plant-eating bugs in their gardens but they look like ladybugs. Unfortunately, they don't act like "lady" bugs. They bite. And...they've been fruitful and they're all over my house.

Update on The Dock

We did it! We could have and should have had at least two additional burly men (other than HTP and #1 son) but with brute force, HTP in the water and #1 son lifting from the center section and me pulling, lifting and dragging from the shore end...we FINALLY managed to drag that dock up onto the first concrete step and out of the water. I quickly tied her off and maybe we'll think of an easier way of doing this before next fall. We've got one engineer and a engineering student that will have a whole year to think about it.

Murphyism of the Day

Law of Probable Dispersal

Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.

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