Thursday, October 13, 2005

Word of the Day

Fizzability test - A test used by Product control at Coca-Cola™.

Laundry. Packing. Cleaning. One more supper to cook because we can't leave Wisconsin without partaking of one more Friday Fish Fry. One more lunch to make. One more breakfast because we plan to hit the road before breakfast on Saturday. I've vacuum sealed anything that might get freezer burnt. My refrigerator is all scrubbed and only those food items that we'll be eating.

We'll load the car tomorrow night. I hope everything fits. HTP is washing the car right now....Why? I haven't a clue. It'll just get really dirty on our 2000 mile drive. But...whatever makes him happy.

I finally got to talk to the guy that mows our lawn who brought the guy who owns the local nursery here in our little town. I arranged to have my lawn guy come in and mow the lawn one more time this fall...before the snow get rid of the leaves. I also should be getting a quote on some yard work that we need to have done next spring from the nursery guy. And our lawn guy, who also does almost everything, is going to give me an estimate on how much it'll cost me to have the deck stained and my wooden lawn furniture. Something that should have been done this summer but the driveway broke the budget so it'll have to wait until next summer.

Murphyism of the Day

Old and Kahn's Law

The efficiency of a committee meeting is inversely proportional to the number of participants and the time spent on deliberations.

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