Thursday, October 06, 2005

Word of the Day

Dopeler effect -The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

I'm going to be bottling my second batch of blackberry wine tomorrow. I soaked off the labels from eight wine bottles this morning and made sure that they were sterilized and ready to go. Not fun. Now I smell like DeSolvit and though it doesn't smell nasty, the smell is starting to get to me. Blech!

We got a visit from our local deputy sheriff this morning. He's also a friend and neighbor of ours and he keeps an eye on the property when we're in Arizona. Still, I know it's stupid, but when that police car/SUV comes driving down our driveway, my heart leaps into my throat. Just for a second. It's not like I've ever had any trouble with the law or anything but it's just that momentary knee-jerk reaction. And then...Oh..."It's just Brian." And then, he plays his role to the hilt by wearing those mirrored sunglasses that make him look like such a cop. I swear it's enough to make the most innocent of people confess. "I did it. I'm bad. Where's my ticket?" He just stopped to check to make sure we were OK after that deluge we had here at The Lake (lots of local flooding) and ask after my parents because he didn't find them when he was over at their place. He wanted to tell us that he'd cleared the trees off the old logging road and he thought that my folk's driveway needed some work because the rain had done a real job on it. I told him that I'd seen the problem yesterday and I'd e-mailed my folks and my sister. Then, knee-jerker that I am, as soon as he left, I called my Dad. See? I'm not the only one that thinks that the driveway needs fixing before someone breaks an axle.

I was thinking about making cookies (diet cookies) today. We'll see. That smell of DeSolvit is still haunting me. Maybe if I change my shirt and wash my hands again, the cookie-making mood will return.

Murphyism of the Day

Iron Law of Distribution

Them that has, gets.

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