Friday, April 07, 2006

Nineteen Days Until We Leave Arizona

Word of the Day

Papiddywaddy - The wrinkles you get on your face from your sheets after a long night of sleeping.

We're steadily whittling down the To Do list of stuff that has to be accomplished before we hit the road. HTP went off to get his eyes checked. My eyes are fine so I stayed home. I edited my lists from last year and we're working on them. I need to go out shopping at our local Oriental Market (Lee Lee's) to buy some things that I can't get in the rural grocery stores near our home in Wisconsin. Black sesame seed salt. I have black sesame seed salt here in Arizona but I gave the last of mine in Wisconsin to my sister. She became addicted to the stuff and asked me to bring her some more. It's on the list. Black sesame seed salt for me and some for my sister. I need to buy some Garlic Chili Sauce too. I might be able to buy that at the grocery store in Wisconsin but I have my doubts. We use it as a condiment for stir-fry. Anyway, that's on the list too.

My sister has Big Butt Beer on her list of stuff to buy for me. I'd buy my own beer but Big Butt Beer is a seasonal beer that they stop producing at around the time I get back to Wisconsin. Leinies doesn't export it to other least not to Arizona. So, the only way I can get it is for my sister to buy it and set it aside for me. Big Butt is a bock beer. Leinies calls it a dopplebock beer. No matter. Whatever you call it, I like it. I wish I could find my Big Butt t-shirt. My kids stole it.

Kids do that. They "borrow" stuff. It's not so bad now that I'm an almost empty-nester but it still happens on occasion. I just got a new t-shirt that I'm going to have to guard with my life. Dorkfish Charter Tours - You Hook'em, We'll Cook'em! I love it. Hey Sis! If you're reading this, I got it from the Bill Engvall website. I'm debating about getting another for my Mom. What do you think? Think she'd wear it? We all really need to do more fishing this coming summer.

Murphyism of the Day

Harper's Law

You never find an article until you replace it.

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