Monday, April 24, 2006

Two Days and a Wake Up Until We Leave Arizona (not including today)

Word of the Day

Pinhedocrat - A political party whose platform is to print new money for ridiculous projects

On the 11th day of getting ready to go to The Lake...

I've never been very good on this countdown thing. Oh well...Christmas isn't until December and sometimes July. Anyway, we're still getting ready. HTP is going to go to the LDS genealogy place one more time before we head out so he can gather as much data as he can to bring with him to The Lake for those rainy days of summer will allow him an excuse to plant himself in front of his computer.

HTP also plans to top off our tank with gas. With the price of gas leaping .05/gal. per day (it was $3.05/gal. for the cheap stuff yesterday at our local Albertson's), it's a good think (note the Freudian slip) to keep the tank full. It's going to be a long hot summer. At least, that's the word from President Bush when he was asked about the high price of gas. We already knew that we needed to get a smaller/more gas efficient car when the price of gas hit $2/gal.

A hybrid car? Hybrid cars just won't cut it. Not yet. Invent something someone! Invent a car for me that will take me 2000 miles through icy, snow-covered, winding mountain roads, up and down at a speed faster than 35 mph on the interstate where the speed limit is listed at 65mph. It has to be big enough for me to pack up all our stuff and carry our two dogs. It has to be able to make it down my 1/2 mile dirt driveway and my folks' 3/4 mile rutted dirt driveway without getting stuck. It has to run for at least 10 hours a day without me having to plug it in somewhere. And if I do have to plug it in or fill it with something other than gasoline, there'd better be a place for me to do that. Everywhere. And it sure would be nice if I didn't have to pay a king's ransom for it this alternative fuel source.

Murphyism of the Day

Vile's Law of Advanced Linesmanship - Part III

1. A short line outside a building becomes a long line inside.

2. If you stand in one place long enough, you make a line.

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