Sunday, April 23, 2006

Three Days Until We Leave Arizona (Not including today)

Word of the Day

Pictutint - The discoloration left on a wall after removing a picture that has been hanging.

On the 10th day of getting ready to go to The Lake...

HTP and I "Preened" the yard, front and back. Preen is a pre-emergent weed control. As per instructions and since we don't get much rain here in Arizona, HTP and I watered the rocks. Now, we're supposed to have an barrier that will prevent weed seeds from germinating. Of course, this doesn't always work all that well but at least we tried. We still need to spray stuff on the existing weeds but that can wait until Wednesday. We also need to buy additional spray so our neighbor can spritz any hearty weed souls while we're gone. I don't even want to think of the weeds that will erupt from our soil when the monsoon season starts in July. Maybe I can get Arizona Daughter and her husband to come out and apply more pre-emergent at that time. Maybe.

There's still lots of stuff to do from the To Do list. Preening the yard wasn't even on the list. I'll have to add it and then check it off the list so it's more obvious that I'm working hard and accomplishing something. We also re-set the automatic sprinkler system so it'll work better for the desert summer heat. It was set for the winter temperatures up until today.

Murphyism of the Day

Vile's Law of Advanced Linesmanship - Part II

1. If you step out of a short line for a second, it becomes a long line.

2. If you're in a short line, the people in front let in their friends and relatives and make it a long line.

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