Monday, June 06, 2005

Word of the Day

Canoedler: An person who is unskilled in boating.

It's been a beautiful day today. I actually washed sheets and hung them outside on a clothesline. Hah-ha! Finally I have a place where I can hang out laundry and no-one (other than HTP) can complain. There are no CC&R's here and no-one(other than HTP) to tell me that I'm making the neighborhood look like "You know you're a redneck when....". I love the smell of sheets that have been dried in the sun. No fabric softener can give you that.

I took #1 son into the city to buy some work clothes. They had cargo pants at one of the local stores on sale. I mean really on sale. They were only $14.99 a pair. Wow! Why can't I find clothes that cheap? I bought him three pairs of cargo pants, some new boxers, and a couple of new t-shirts that were on sale. He noted that the other people he works with (men) were wearing cargo pants and t-shirts so he figured that was the way to go.

After we got back, #1 son and I hiked up to the top of the hill near our house and planted two spruce trees. I hope they take. I don't think the deer will bother them but they don't seem to like that first winter snow after planting. Oh well...I'll keep trying regardless. If I plant two trees a year, maybe I'll have a pine forest on the hill someday instead of weeds and thistles. And then again, maybe someday after I'm long long, my kid's kids will be able to harvest their own Christmas trees from the hill...but they better keep up the tradition of planting two trees a year or I'll come back and haunt them. What the heck, I'll probably come back and haunt them anyway. I'll be in good company.

Murphyism of the Day

Yeager's Law

Washing machines only break down during the wash cycle.

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