Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Word of the Day

Calmmerce: Post-war free trade.

HTP and are supposed to get a new bed...could be today, could be tomorrow. I hope it fits. We failed to take into account the height of this new bed in relationship to our sleigh bed frame. As it is, I'm going to have to see if I can add some length to our quilt. I already bought new sheets to accomodate the deeper mattress but there just isn't a king-size quilt wide enough for these new beds. As it is, we may have to get step-ladders to get into bed each night. I exaggerate...a little. We had to get stools to get into our bed in Arizona. I guess I can do the same for here...if the mattress will fit into the sleigh bed frame.

I was going to take #1 son shopping today to get some new clothes but he tells me that he's got what he needs for work. I still need to do some grocery shopping but that can wait. I hate to leave the house...just in case Fed-Ex or UPS stops by.

Murphyism of the Day

Working Cook's Laws

1. If you're wondering if you took the meat out to thaw, you didn't.

2. If you're wondering if you left the coffee pot plugged in, you did.

3. If you're wondering if you need to stop and pick up bread and eggs on the way home, you do.

4. If you're wondering if you have enough money to take the family out to eat tonight, you don't.

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