Friday, June 03, 2005

Word of the Day

Coincicle: 1. A coincidence so dramatic, it's a miracle. 2. A coin that has been dropped in the street, parking lot, or sidewalk during the winter and is entombed in a thick layer of ice.

I made a triple batch of waffles this morning. We didn't eat them all. We each got one small 4" waffle and I froze the rest for future breakfasts. It has always made more sense to me to make large batches of things so you only have to mess up your kitchen once. Now we can still have waffles for breakfast but we don't have to make a mess.

After breakfast, HTP, #1 son and I trooped outside and tackled the bark mulch pile. We used the entire pile and only made a slight dent in the gardens that need mulching. If we'd been spreading the stuff on a yearly basis, it wouldn't be such a big deal. But....we haven't mulched the gardens since they were landscaped. That's over seven years. Groan. We need more bark mulch. Lots of bark mulch. I think we used two cubic yards of it so far. That means we need at least another 6 cubic yards. I don't think I'm capable of spreading more then 2 cubic yards per day. I'm not even sure at this point if I'll actually be able to move tomorrow. Maybe we'll do this in stages. In the meantime, I spread Preen ( a fertilizer and weed preventer combo) in the areas to keep the weed seeds from sprouting. I hope it works. I pray it works. I've already gone through 8 gallons of RoundUp (weed killer) and though I know I'll be needing more, I'd rather not have to make mass quantities of the stuff on a daily basis.

Mattress Update? It hasn't arrived yet but I'm blogging at 3 PM so, it still may get here today. Maybe. Stay tuned for my next update tomorrow. I have faith. My raspberries came and so did my books...most of them.

Murphyism of the Day

Fausner's Rule of the Household

A knife too dull to cut anything else can always cut your finger.

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