Sunday, June 12, 2005

Word of the Day

Complimise: Compromise in such a way as to compliment.

The rest of the bark mulch has been spread. HTP and I tackled it this morning after breakfast. What happened to lunch? Oh well...we'll have an early dinner. #1 son left The Lake to spend the day in The Big City before breakfast so HTP and I were working all by ourselves on the project. HTP commented that he thought we got too much bark mulch as we started but it looks like we need to buy a bit more. Maybe another few cubic feet of the stuff. I've got a few bare spots still. We do have a lot of border areas. Maybe we should have put in more lawn.

I heard from my Devil Dog Daughter yesterday and again today. She's "fine" but she thinks that she may have two fractured hips now. Sigh. OK, she's alive and she sounded happy that she's completed her MCT (Marine Combat Training). She passed her last tests and will be heading to her MOS (Aviation Ordinance Trainee) in Pensacola, FL. on Tuesday. Training takes four weeks and I expect her hips will be given enough rest during that time so that they'll heal. I'm not sure if they go on to a secondary training if they do well during their four weeks of training or if she'll be assigned a permanent duty station at that point. Sounds like she and her fiancee want to get married before she finishes her training. Omaha? New Orleans? Who knows? I sure don't. All depends upon what the military will allow.

Murphyism of the Day

Ballance's Law of Relativity

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.

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