Monday, June 26, 2006

Word of the Day

CANTABILE - In music, to achieve a complaining sound, as if you have a sour stomach.

I've been on pins and needles all day today because someone I know is having a baby today. This morning. I haven't heard anything but she should have had her baby this morning. Now, let's get real here, I am not the first person that will hear when this baby is born. I'm sure I'm probably going to be low man on the totem pole when it comes to notification. But...I sure will be happy when I hear news. There's always something very special when a baby is born. Happy Birthday Baby T. May your light shine and brighten not only your parents lives but all those who your light shines upon.

Murphyism of the Day

Apple's Law of Recovery

You can't recover from a problem you don't have.

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